Fri 3 to Sun 5 May - John Britt Glaze Workshop -

Fri 3 to Sun 5 May - John Britt Glaze Workshop -

3-5 May 2024

$ 750 + HST = $ 847.50

Georgian Bay Pottery welcomes World renowned ceramic & glaze specialist John Britt to Collingwood for his Mid Range Glaze Workshop.

The workshop provides an overview of ceramic glazes, focusing on but not limited to cone 6 glazes. It is designed for beginner to intermediate potters.

We will discuss cones, kilns, firing dynamics and principles as well as applying those principles to various firing cycles. This will lead us into some basic classifications of glazes, like ash, celadon, temmoku, etc.

Covering how and why each type of glaze works and how you can achieve them, how to adjust your glazes and how to find new glazes and approaches. You will go home with a whole new set of skills and knowledge about Glazing. There is a course welcome event and optional social activities for students joining the course.

Book your space on the

John Britt Glaze Workshop